envir is a small R package with a handful of functions designed for managing R environments.

The main exported functions are:

  • import_from(x, ...): Import objects from x into the current environment. x can be:

    • A package name
    • Filepaths to R scripts
    • Any object with names and [[ methods.

    Usage example:

    import_from(magrittr, `%<>%`, `%>%`)
    import_from(dplyr) # all exported functions
    import_from("my_script.R", useful_function)

    See ?import_from for extended usage examples.

  • include(): A vectorized wrapper around base::sys.source that defaults to sourcing in the current frame.

  • attach_source() and attach_eval(): Evaluate an R script or expression in an attached environment

  • within() S3 methods for R environments.


You can install the released version of envir from CRAN with:

Or install the development version with:

if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) 

R has excellent support for managing environments already, but some of the defaults encourage usage patterns that don’t scale well to larger code bases.

Other solutions developed for managing R environments: